What Is the Average Settlement for a Nursing Home Abuse Claim in California?

Nursing homes in California provide around-the-clock medical care and help for seniors and people with disabilities so the residents can live their best lives possible. Nursing homes, also called skilled nursing facilities and long-term care facilities, should have policies and procedures in place to protect their residents from abuse and neglect by staff members, visitors,…

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Broken Necks in Nursing Homes

Seniors in nursing homes are prone to neck fractures and other neck injuries due to the risk of falls, brittle bones, and many other reasons. Some neck fractures can be fatal. According to Medical News Today, the neck consists of seven small bones known as cervical vertebrae. The bones of the neck are found at…

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How To File A Complaint Against A Nursing Home In Arizona

Family members and friends who have concerns that their loved one is suffering abuse or neglect or that their rights are being violated while residing in a nursing home can file a complaint with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). They can request that the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program conduct an investigation. They can…

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How To File a Complaint Against a Nursing Home In California

Residents of California nursing homes and their families have the right to expect their nursing homes to provide competent, quality care. Nursing home care includes more than just providing a bed. The nursing home should have individualized plans for each resident to address their physical, emotional, and cognitive needs. California nursing homes have a duty…

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Can You Sue a Nursing Home for Sepsis?

Sepsis is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening condition that happens when the body has an extreme response to an infection. In nursing homes, residents are particularly vulnerable to infections due to their age, underlying health conditions, and – sometimes – substandard care. When sepsis develops because a nursing home fails to provide a resident with…

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The Effects of Air Quality and Mold on Nursing Home Residents

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that Americans spend 90% of their time indoors on average. For seniors in nursing homes, this percentage is likely even higher. The EPA goes on to say that the concentrations of some indoor pollutants can be two to five times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. Some of the common…

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What Are the Legal Rights of Nursing Home Residents?

Making the decision to move a loved one into a nursing home is never one that’s taken lightly. You want to believe your family member will be safe, respected, and well-cared for. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, and nursing home abuse and neglect is a reality for many families. In order to protect our…

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Broken Hips in Nursing Homes

Broken hips are extremely painful, but they can also lead to significant health complications, long recovery times, or even death. If your loved one is in a nursing home and experienced a broken hip, you probably have a lot of questions about how the injury happened, the severity of their condition, the treatment process, and…

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Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Neglect?

Nursing home residents have rights. Some of these rights are to live in a safe environment, to have access to food and liquids, and to receive medical care and assistance when needed. However, the unfortunate reality is that not every nursing home provides these rights and meets the expectations of residents and their families. If…

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Can You Sue a Nursing Home for Bedsores?

Many families depend on nursing homes to care for their elderly loved ones, especially when they are unable to meet that person’s needs every day and night. Unfortunately, many nursing homes do not fulfill their responsibilities and even take advantage of families’ trust and confidence in them. One of the most common signs that you…

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How Can I Hold a Nursing Home Accountable for Abuse?

Deciding to place your elderly loved one in a nursing home facility is never easy. However, many families know they can no longer provide the care their loved ones need and deserve around the clock. Even though nursing homes do not always treat their residents with care and respect, some families have to put their…

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How Can I File a Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit?

Many elderly people who live in nursing homes are disabled or frail. While this should mean that they receive the priority care that they need and deserve, it often opens the door for nursing home staff to abuse and take advantage of them. Sometimes, this happens because nursing home employees take their anger and frustration…

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The Rights of Nursing Home Residents with Dementia

When a loved one with dementia enters a nursing home, families place a great deal of trust in the facility and its staff. Unfortunately, residents with dementia are particularly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and mistreatment. The nursing home abuse attorneys at Garcia & Artigliere have seen firsthand the devastating impact that negligence and misconduct can…

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The Role of Technology in Preventing Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is a significant and persistent issue affecting some of our most vulnerable members of society. With an aging population and increasing reliance on long-term care facilities, it’s important to ensure that elderly residents receive proper treatment. Unfortunately, many nursing home residents, especially those with physical or cognitive impairments, remain at risk of…

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Resident-on-Resident Abuse in Nursing Homes

When people think of nursing home abuse, they often imagine mistreatment by caregivers or staff members. However, there’s another form of abuse that is sometimes overlooked: resident-on-resident abuse. This type of abuse involves one nursing home resident harming or harassing another, and it can be just as damaging as abuse from staff. For families and…

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How Can I Help Prevent Nursing Home Abuse?

Sadly, nursing home abuse is a serious issue that affects countless elderly residents across the country. Fortunately, family members, guardians, and friends of nursing home residents can play a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being of their loved ones. Preventing nursing home abuse requires vigilance, education, and proactive measures to identify, address, and mitigate potential…

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Can a Patient Be Kicked Out of a Nursing Home?

Facing the possibility of a loved one being discharged from a nursing home can be a distressing experience. At Garcia & Artigliere, our nursing home abuse attorneys understand the emotional and legal challenges that such situations can create. The question of whether a patient can be legally evicted from a nursing home is complex, involving…

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The Differences Between Nursing Home Abuse and Nursing Home Neglect

The terms “abuse” and “neglect” have some similarities and key differences. Generally, abuse involves some intentional or deliberate failure or misconduct – or some affirmative act that causes harm. Abuse of a senior is intolerable and should never ever happen. Negligence refers to a lack of reasonable care – care that does not meet the…

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Common Defenses Used by Nursing Homes in Abuse Lawsuits

Garcia & Artigliere has obtained more than $3 billion for our clients, including nursing home clients. One of the key reasons for a strong record of success is that we anticipate the defenses that nursing homes are likely to assert – and we take steps to show why those defenses lack merit. The specific defenses…

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Utilizing Technology to Monitor Nursing Home Care

Nursing homes benefit from cameras and other technology to ensure the safety and well-being of their residents. These technologies help staff members monitor where the residents are, observe interactions with other residents, respond to emergencies, and provide care in many other ways. Nursing home technologies Technology should complement medical care, and not replace care. Nursing…

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The Impact of Staffing Levels on Nursing Home Care Quality

Nursing homes across the country must comply with federal and state regulations. These regulations help protect parents, grandparents, spouses, and other loved ones from abuse and neglect. Nursing homes in California, Arizona, Kentucky, Louisiana, and other states that violate these regulations may be liable for any injuries or deaths they cause. Most nursing homes are…

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When is the Use of Chemical Restraints Abuse in Nursing Homes?

Chemical restraints, often misunderstood and misused, have become a significant issue in nursing homes. These restraints involve the use of medication to control the behavior of residents, particularly those with cognitive impairments like dementia. While there are circumstances where such medications may be necessary for the safety and well-being of residents, their misuse or overuse…

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Why Are Strokes So Often Missed or Misdiagnosed?

Strokes are a leading cause of disability and death globally, affecting millions of individuals each year. Despite the high incidence and severe consequences of strokes, they are frequently missed or misdiagnosed, leading to catastrophic outcomes. Several factors contribute to the frequent misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis of strokes, including atypical presentation, inadequate medical knowledge, systemic healthcare…

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The Increased Risk of Abuse for Nursing Home Residents With Dementia

Dementia, a condition characterized by a decline in cognitive function, affects memory, reasoning, and the ability to perform everyday activities. This vulnerability makes nursing home residents with dementia particularly susceptible to various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, financial, and neglect. Dementia significantly impairs a person’s cognitive abilities, making them dependent on others for their…

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