Garcia & Artigliere Acquires $12 Million in Class Action Lawsuit Against Severely Understaffed California Skilled Nursing Facilities

After more than five years of litigation, Garcia & Artigliere attorney Stephen M. Garcia acquired $12 million in a class action on behalf of victims of understaffing at California skilled nursing facilities in a preliminary settlement submitted to the court for approval.

The lawsuit sought to ensure skilled nursing facilities staff meet the needs of their elder and infirm residents, rather than line their pockets without providing adequate services. It alleged that the skilled nursing facilities were understaffed in violation of state and federal statutes and regulations, and that the defendants misrepresented the staffing practices and staffing levels at their skilled nursing facilities.

Concluding years of hard-fought litigation, Garcia & Artigliere achieved a settlement which not only reimburses the residents from the $12 million settlement pool, but also requires the facilities to increase their staff to the legally required level in the state of California. Further, a monitor will ensure that the facilities follow through with this increased staffing.

“We are gratified to be able to bring this result home for the elder and infirm citizens of the state of California,” Garcia commented. “I must applaud these defendants, at least in part, for coming to the table in good faith and being willing to increase their staffing voluntarily. To me, it shows the benefit of litigation and the fact that these defendants are focusing on providing increased care, which will come out of their own pockets and in profits and expense, to the residents.”

If you or a loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, contact our attorneys at (800) 281-8515 for a free case consultation.