Garcia & Artigliere Secures $4.2 Million Settlement in Class Action Case Against Kentucky Hospital

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Matthew Coman secured a $4.2 million settlement against a Kentucky hospital, which allowed one of its surgeons to inappropriately place medical devices on his patients which were sold exclusively by his wife. The lawsuit alleged that these devices were not medically necessary. Rather, the physician, using his wife as an in-house salesperson, utilized these devices inappropriately and unlawfully for the financial benefit of himself and his wife.

The lawsuits occurred over approximately six years of intense litigation. Garcia & Artigliere did not give up where others might have dropped the lawsuits and as others did throughout the state of Kentucky, and moved the matters diligently to trial.

Garcia stated, “These were hard-fought cases. The hospital and the doctor had a multitude of lawyers that just kept throwing everything at us in the world. However, there was no way we were going to sit back and allow this type of injustice to occur. Matt and I are proud to have served Kentuckians in rectifying this situation to the extent that money can recompense for loss of valuable lifetime experiences.”

If you or a loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, contact our attorneys at (800) 281-8515 for a free case consultation.