Elder Sexual Abuse


Lawyers Handling Claims of Sexual Abuse of the Elderly in Shreveport

Shreveport elder abuse attorneys fighting for seniors who have been sexually assaulted

The elderly are often sexually abused in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities by staff members, other residents, and anyone with access. Seniors are often targets because they can’t resist, many can’t give consent, and most seniors live in private rooms with closed doors. Caretakers know this type of abuse happens. That’s why they need to take measures to prevent the abuse and to discipline the abuser when it does happen. At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport elder abuse lawyers fight for loved ones who are sexually abused. We obtained $5.4 million for an 87-year-old woman who was sexually molested repeatedly by the co-manager of a residential care facility. We were able to show that the facility waited 8 days before informing the police – allowing the abuser to flee. We can help you hold caretakers and sexual abusers accountable - call us today to assert your rights.

Elder abuse attorney Stephen M. Garcia obtained $5.4 million dollars for an 87-year-old woman who was repeatedly sexually molested by the co-manager of a residential care facility. The co-manager had a long history of alleged sexual misconduct at the facility, but none of the incidents of elder abuse were reported to either Adult Protective Services or to the Department of Social Services. Upon discovery, the nursing home fired the co-manager and waited 8 days to report his actions to the police, giving him time to flee.


What is the definition of sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is any conduct involving someone 60 or older that “involves forced or unwanted sexual interaction of any kind with an older adult.” Sexual abuse includes rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. Sexual abuse also includes forcing a senior to watch sexual acts.

In Louisiana, sexual conduct requires consent. Nearly half of seniors in nursing homes have dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other cognitive impairments which means they cannot give consent. Their cognitive impairment also means that they can’t remember well enough to file a report or to remember what happened – which is a key reason why family members need to visit with their loved ones as often as possible.

Seniors who maintain their cognitive abilities often have other challenges. If they’re physically frail, they can’t resist any force. Many seniors, even those in the best of health, are often afraid to report abuse because the abuser threatens them that they’ll be punished if they report the sexual abuse.

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport elder abuse lawyers have 150 years of combined experience representing the elderly. We have the experience and professional relationships with sexual abuse counselors and psychologists to help your loved one communicate what happened, show that the sexual acts were not consensual, and explain how the caretaker could have prevented the sexual abuse.

How can I know if my loved one was sexually abused in Shreveport?

Family and friends should regularly visit their loved ones to enjoy their company, and to help protect them by questioning their loved ones and observing them.

Some of the signs of sexual abuse relatives and friends should review include:

  • Torn, bloody, or soiled undergarments
  • Being afraid of a caretaker, a resident, or anyone with access to your loved one’s living quarters
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • A sexually transmitted disease (STD)
  • Genital areas that are painful, bruised, Insomnia or other sleeping difficulties
  • Not engaging in social activities with family, friends, or other relatives
  • Odd sexual conversations
  • Attempts at suicide

Our lawyers can help you with the sensitive discussions you may need to have with your parent, grandparent, or any other older relative. Our Shreveport elder abuse attorneys work with sexual abuse healthcare professionals who help seniors express themselves and help them regain their lives. Our lawyers also work with forensic nurses who help sexual abuse victims recover and help obtain and secure DNA evidence and other physical evidence of sexual abuse.


Why are the elderly sexually abused in Shreveport?

Some of the causes of sexual abuse of the elderly in Shreveport nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, and other locations include:

  • Fear that if they complain, they will continue to be sexually abused
  • The inability of seniors with cognitive challenges to consent to sexual acts
  • The inability of most seniors to resist sexual advancements
  • The failure of elder care doctors to address sexual health care for seniors
  • Beds and closed doors create an opportunity for sexual abuse to occur

Residential and other caretakers need to take proactive steps to prevent sexual abuse, encourage the reporting of sexual abuse when it occurs, and protect the most vulnerable seniors. Caretakers should have written policies in place so everyone understands the danger of sexual abuse and how to stop the abuse.

These policies include conducting background checks, limiting who can access the facility or home where the senior lives, monitoring relations between senior residents, and how to contact local law enforcement and local adult protective service agencies.

Other protective measures include:

  • Having proper staffing levels. It helps to have more than one person spend time with your loved one – so that no one caretaker can have control, and so that more caretakers might see the signs of sexual abuse
  • Educating staff members about the signs of sexual abuse, and what steps to take if they suspect your loved one is being sexually abused
  • Creating confidential reporting systems
  • Identifying which residents might sexually abuse another resident - such as residents who have cognitive impairments
  • Providing immediate physical and emotional care
  • Contacting the police, local senior protective agencies, and the Louisiana Ombudsman Program
  • Disciplining and terminating the employment of any employee who commits sexual abuse

How do you fight for victims of sexually abused seniors in Shreveport?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport sexual abuse lawyers understand the unique challenges involved with fighting for seniors – including seniors with physical, cognitive, or emotional difficulties. We’re skilled at showing what happened, and why the sexual conduct was non-consensual. We are also skilled at working with prosecutors who file criminal charges, the state Ombudsman, and local adult protection agencies.

We understand what policies and procedures should have been implemented to prevent the sexual abuse of a Shreveport senior. Our team works with gerontologists, psychologists, emergency room doctors, and other healthcare professionals to show just how harmful the sexual abuse of your loved one is, and what care can help your loved one.

Caretakers can and should be held liable if they could have prevented sexual abuse. They do not have to participate in sexual abuse to be liable. The failure to properly protect your loved one is reason enough to hold a caretaker accountable.

Our elder abuse lawyers file claims against all responsible defendants including:

  • The abuser
  • A nursing home, skilled nursing facility, rehabilitation facility, assisted living facility, home healthcare agency, or any other caretaker
  • The people who operate, own, supervise, and manage the caretaker business

What’s the value of a senior sexual abuse claim in Louisiana?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport sexual abuse lawyers seek the maximum compensation possible. Sexual abuse is crushing. Your loved one deserves full compensation to help restore his or her life.

We demand compensation for the following current and future damages:

  • Your loved one’s medical expenses including ER care, hospital stays, doctor bills, rehabilitative therapy, and psychological counseling
  • Daily physical pain and suffering
  • Loss of life’s pleasures
  • Loss of trust and hope
  • Any physical scars
  • The emotional scars
  • Any loss of bodily function

We also seek punitive damages when applicable.

Do you have a Shreveport sexual abuse lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere understands the trauma of sexual abuse. Many seniors are afraid to discuss what happened. Our elder abuse lawyers understand how to help the elderly who have been sexually abused. We meet your loved one at our Louisiana office, your home, or the facility where your loved one is living. We also conduct consultations by phone or video.

We work with sexual abuse counselors and psychologists to help your loved one communicate.

Talk with an experienced Shreveport sexual abuse lawyer at Garcia & Artigliere now

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport elderly sexual abuse lawyers understand how devastating sexual abuse is. For most victims, the psychological damages are often just as severe or more severe than the physical harm. Sexual abuse is a violation of your loved one’s humanity.

To help your loved one obtain the physical and emotional help  he or she needs, and  compensation  for being violated, call us or contact our office now to schedule a free, confidential consultation. We represent abused seniors in Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans. Our attorneys also represent seniors in Arizona, California, and Kentucky. We only receive compensation if your loved one’s claim is successful.

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