Sacramento Physical Elder Abuse Lawyers


Sacramento Lawyers Handling Claims of Physical Abuse of the Elderly

Sacramento elder physical abuse attorneys fighting for seniors who have suffered physical harm

Unfortunately, instances of physical abuse against seniors are prevalent in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and private residences. Many of the victims of physical abuse also have cognitive difficulties. This form of abuse is often the result of inadequate staffing at long-term care facilities and insufficient training of private caretakers. A significant number of seniors enduring physical abuse do not report it due to the fear of retaliation. At Garcia & Artigliere, our Sacramento elder abuse lawyers pursue personal injury and wrongful death claims in cases where such abuse leads to severe injuries like broken bones, head trauma, and even death. We have successfully recovered over $3 billion for seniors who have endured abuse or neglect. Call us today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can fight for you and your family.


What is physical abuse?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical abuse involves causing a senior pain, injury, functional impairment, illness, distress, or death through the deliberate use of physical force. Slapping, kicking, hitting, burning, and pushing are examples of physical abuse, as is sexual abuse.

Physical abuse includes actively striking an elderly person or engaging in non-consensual sexual acts with a senior. It also includes passive physical abuse, in which physical restraints are employed to confine seniors, and chemical restraints are used to exert control. The American Bar Association (ABA) has found that elderly individuals with cognitive disabilities like dementia or Alzheimer's are commonly targeted for physical abuse. This vulnerability often results from their non-confrontational responses, lack of resistance, and limited ability to voice complaints.

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Sacramento elder physical abuse lawyers aggressively pursue justice for seniors suffering from any form of physical abuse. Intentionally harming a senior can never be justified. If criminal charges are brought, our attorneys collaborate with law enforcement and prosecutors and seek complete compensation in cases where elder abuse results in personal injuries or the tragic loss of a loved one.

What are the signs of physical abuse of the elderly in Sacramento?

Family members, friends, personnel in long-term care facilities, and advocates for the elderly can assist seniors facing physical abuse in California by identifying and reporting indicators of such abuse:

  • Unexplained cuts, bruises, scars, broken bones, and other injuries
  • Changes in personality
  • The onset of illnesses and infections
  • Avoidance of individuals the senior typically trusts
  • Expression of anxiety, irritation, and depression
  • Weight loss
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Hospitalization
  • Implausible responses to inquiries about their injuries
  • Sudden unexplained death
Physical Elder Abuse Sacramento CA

What are the causes of physical abuse of the elderly in Sacramento?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our elder physical abuse lawyers in Sacramento recognize the origins of physical abuse and the individuals who may be prone to mistreating seniors.

Caretakers lacking proper education, training, and skills to work with cognitively impaired elderly individuals sometimes use force to silence them instead of addressing their concerns. Nursing home residents suffering from dementia may inadvertently engage in aggressive behavior towards others. Substance abuse and antisocial conduct often contribute to such instances.

Assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities may bear responsibility for the physical abuse of a resident if the facility:

  • Operates with inadequate staffing
  • Neglects to conduct background checks
  • Lacks the expertise and understanding to manage patients with dementia or Alzheimer's
  • Fails to address complaints of physical abuse
  • Lacks established reporting and disciplinary procedures

What injuries occur when a senior is physically abused in Sacramento?

Seniors are at greater risk of sustaining severe injuries compared to younger individuals due to factors such as brittle bones, weakened immune systems, existing health conditions, and various other issues. The recovery process for most seniors tends to be longer, and time is a precious commodity they often lack.

The type of physical abuse determines the nature of injuries. Active abuse may result in broken bones, spinal cord damage, paralysis, traumatic brain injuries, nerve damage, burns, muscle damage, and various other forms of harm, while passive physical abuse, such as the use of chemical restraints, can cause internal damage. Deliberately withholding medications from a senior may lead to the recurrence or aggravation of the illnesses the medications were intended to address. Some physical injuries result in scarring and disfigurement. All physical injuries are likely to lead to emotional suffering. Many victims of physical abuse in Sacramento fail to achieve complete recovery, and tragically, some even die from the abuse.

Who might be liable for the physical abuse of seniors in Sacramento?

Intentional physical harm can lead to legal action against the perpetrator, and our Sacramento attorneys collaborate with the prosecution when criminal charges are brought. At Garcia & Artigliere, we bring personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits against those responsible for harming your loved one. Additionally, we pursue claims against entities that could have prevented or addressed the abuse more promptly but failed to do so. Nursing homes and other senior facilities may be held accountable if:

  • Background checks were not conducted
  • The perpetrator was an employee
  • There was no established reporting system for handling complaints
  • Standard nursing home practices were not followed
  • They were aware of similar assaults but failed to respond

How much is a senior’s physical abuse claim worth in Sacramento?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Sacramento elder abuse lawyers pursue damages for every aspect of a senior's life impacted by physical mistreatment. Compensation for elderly physical abuse covers the  present and future and commonly includes:

  • Medical expenses like hospitalizations and rehabilitative therapy
  • Physical pain and emotional distress
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Any scarring or disfigurement

In numerous instances, we pursue punitive damages due to the intentional nature of physical abuse, aiming to prevent further harm to your loved one or others under the care of the responsible parties.

How long do I have to file a Sacramento elder abuse claim?

In California, the typical statute of limitations for elderly physical abuse claims is two years from when the abuse began. However, deadlines might change depending on the specific circumstances and responsible parties.

We strongly advise that either you or the senior in question promptly reach out to our Sacramento elder physical abuse attorneys. We will respond to your questions and collaborate with your healthcare providers or our network of doctors to carefully assess how severe the senior's injuries are and the necessary medical care. Our investigative process will identify the liable parties and the reasons for their liability. We will contact all relevant individuals, including other seniors, urging them to share their experiences on your behalf and potentially bring their own claims.

Does you have a Sacramento elder physical abuse lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere advocates for victims of physical abuse in Sacramento and throughout California. We have offices in Long Beach and Los Angeles and can meet with you at your nursing home or care facility if necessary.

Call the California physical abuse lawyers at Garcia & Artigliere

To schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of our experienced Sacramento elder physical abuse lawyers, call or contact our offices. Garcia & Artigliere has offices in Long Beach and Los Angeles and serve clients throughout California.

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