Pheonix Nursing Home


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Phoenix Delayed Stroke Treatment Lawyers – Nursing Homes

Experienced trial lawyers when nursing homes in Arizona delay stroke treatment

Most nursing home residents in Phoenix are at high risk of having a stroke. The risk factors for stroke include being older, heart disease, diabetes, and weight issues. Arizona nursing homes should work with medical professionals to ensure the staff can recognize the symptoms of stroke so that the nursing home can be in quick communication with physicians, and so that the resident can either be treated by medical staff at the home or transported to the nearest emergency room in an emergency transport vehicle. Prompt action can make the difference between life and death and between good health and severe disabilities.

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Phoenix delayed stroke care lawyers understand why strokes happen, why prompt treatment is critical, and what policies nursing homes should have in place to help residents who are experiencing a stroke obtain the medical care they so desperately need. We work with heart doctors, brain doctors, and others who can show what policies and treatments could have helped the resident survive a stroke – and what type of life they will lead if stroke treatments are delayed. Our Arizona nursing home neglect and abuse lawyers have helped several thousand clients of all ages across America obtain strong settlements and verdicts for nursing home neglect and other types of improper care.

The numbers of people who have strokes are staggering. The American Heart Association reports that one of every 19 deaths in the US in 2019 was attributable to a stroke. Worldwide, in 2020, more than seven million deaths were attributable to cerebrovascular disease. Nearly half of these strokes were ischemic strokes. Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounted for 3.25 million stroke-related deaths. Subarachnoid hemorrhage caused 350,000 fatalities.



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What is a stroke?

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that a stroke happens when blood flow to the brain is blocked or the brain suddenly starts to bleed. Strokes are classified as follows:

  • Ischemic stroke. This type of stroke prevents the brain from getting the nutrients and oxygen it needs causing brain cells to quickly start to die. The brain cannot receive these chemicals because the flow of blood to the brain is blocked. Most strokes are ischemic strokes.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke. This type of stroke occurs when the brain suddenly begins to bleed. The bleeding can place pressure on the brain cells - damaging those cells.

Another type of stroke, called a mini-stroke is a transient ischemic attack (TIA). A TIA occurs when the blockage breaks up before the blockage damages the brain. TIAs generally don’t cause permanent damage but they do indicate a full stroke may occur soon.

Stroke and TIAs are medical emergencies. Nursing homes need to move quickly when a resident displays stroke symptoms. Delays in stroke care can cause brain damage, cognitive disabilities, paralysis, and other serious injuries. Delayed treatment can also be fatal. Minutes count. Clot-busting drugs generally need to be administered within just a few hours from the onset of symptoms.

What symptoms of a stroke should nursing homes in Phoenix anticipate?

The Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix recommends that healthcare providers use the following acronym to identify stroke systems.

BE FAST” stands for:

B – BALANCE: Ask the person to walk. Do they have trouble keeping their balance or walking normally?

E – EYES: Ask the person about their eyesight. Have they lost vision or experienced vision changes in one or both eyes?

F – FACE: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

A – ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S – SPEECH: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange?

T – TIME: If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Other symptoms of an ischemic stroke include a sudden weakness or numbness of the resident’s face, arm, or leg – often on just one side of the body. Other symptoms include vision problems, dizziness, impaired consciousness, seizures, loss of coordination, difficulty speaking, and urinary incontinence.

According to the prestigious Cleveland Clinic, the possible complications from a stroke include:

  • Blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Depression and other mood changes
  • Speech disorders
  • Involuntary muscle tightening or spasticity
  • Chronic headaches

What is tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)?

The National Institute of Neurological Orders and Stroke states that the clot-busting medication tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is commonly used to dissolve the blood clots that block the flow of blood to the brain. Generally, tPA should be administered within the first three (3) hours from the time the resident started experiencing stroke symptoms. The Cleveland Clinic states that the time may, in some cases, be extended to 4.5 hours at the outermost. If tPA cannot be administered, the emergency medical team may be able to remove the clot directly through a procedure called thrombectomy. The time window for this procedure is 24 hours from the onset of symptoms.

A hemorrhagic stroke may be treatable if treatment is prompt too – by using surgical procedures to reduce the amount of bleeding.

Why should a nursing home in Phoenix be held responsible for disabilities and deaths caused by delays in stroke treatments?

Phoenix nursing homes should work with physicians in several ways. They should review the proper stroke protocols with the physician before the nursing home opens and at regular intervals. They should be able to speak with a physician who understands stroke care immediately (either in-person or on-call). Arizona nursing home staff should be trained to identify and respond to stroke symptoms.

Each resident should also have an individualized care plan that makes clear what precautions and concerns apply for that resident when stroke symptoms occur – such as noting that the resident has dementia or uses certain medications. The nursing home should also have general “best practices” for how staff members should handle a resident who is showing signs of a stroke.

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Phoenix nursing home neglect lawyers are skilled at showing that the nursing home failed the resident by:

  • Not working with an experienced medical professional who understands stroke care protocols and stroke care treatments
  • Not having written policies in place for helping residents who are having stroke emergencies
  • Not having arrangements with emergency medical transport services to transport the resident to the closest emergency department as quickly as possible and with EMT services that can provide life-saving care if needed
  • Failing to have enough staff members employed who understand how to handle stroke emergencies
  • Dismissing the complaints of stroke victims or diagnosing the symptoms improperly

Nursing homes should have specific stroke treatment policies for residents who have cognitive impairments.

How much is my delayed stroke treatment claim worth in Arizona?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Phoenix delayed stroke treatment lawyers work with neurosurgeons, cardiologists, emergency care professionals, and nursing home professionals to show an Arizona nursing home should be held responsible for untimely stroke care. No matter the age of the resident, we can help.

We demand compensation for all the harm residents suffer due to delayed stroke treatment care. Many stroke victims require physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and cognitive therapy. For many residents, their life is never remotely the same as it was before the stroke happened. Damages, when nursing homes delay stroke care, include the resident’s current and future:

  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of bodily function
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Lost income and benefits

We also seek wrongful death damages on behalf of the families when a nursing home resident dies because effective stroke treatments such as tPA were delayed. Wrongful death damages in Arizona include the funeral and burial expenses, the loss of financial support your loved one would have provided, and the loss of companionship and personal support your loved one would have provided.

Do you have a delayed stroke treatment lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere is respected nationwide for our representation of nursing home residents who suffer injuries due to nursing home neglect including delayed stroke care. We are also respected for our advocacy for families when nursing home neglect takes the life of a loved one. We’ll guide your loved one and your through this difficult time.

Call Garcia & Artigliere today if a nursing home in Arizona delayed critical stroke treatment

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Phoenix delayed stroke lawyers have been fighting for nursing home residents, seniors, and people of all ages for more than 150 years combined. We’re dedicated to helping anyone who suffers harm due to incompetent care obtain the full compensation they deserve from those who are responsible. We hold nursing homes accountable for failing to use common-sense policies and procedures when strokes or other healthcare emergencies occur.

To assert your rights, call or contact our offices today to schedule a free, confidential case evaluation. We maintain additional offices in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Louisville, and New Orleans. There are no upfront charges. We only receive compensation if there is a settlement or a verdict in your favor.

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