Long Beach Elder Neglect


Metairie Elder Neglect Lawyers

Our Metairie elder neglect attorneys help when a loved one is suffering from neglect

Here at Garcia & Artigliere, we understand the challenges and complications that come with protecting the rights of our senior citizens. Our Metairie elder abuse lawyers meet this challenge head-on – helping assign accountability and working to secure compensation for the harm your loved one has suffered. We’re here to be your advocate and help your loved one receive the care, dignity, and respect they deserve - call us today to schedule a consultation.


What is elder neglect?

Per ElderAbuse.org, elder neglect is “the failure of a responsible caregiver to meet the medical, social, and/or psychological needs of an older adult who requires assistance in one or more of these areas.”

Examples of elder neglect can include things like withholding essential needs, failing to provide assistance, and when someone is unwilling or unable to perform caregiving responsibilities.

HelpGuide.org notes that “In the U.S. alone, more than half a million reports of elder abuse reach authorities every year, and millions more cases go unreported.”

What are the signs of elder neglect?

The Elder Abuse Alliance lists a variety of signs of elder neglect, which can include:

Physical signs

  • Undernourishment or dehydration: Sudden weight loss, dry skin and mouth, weakness, dizziness, and confusion can all be signs of inadequate food or water intake.
  • Poor hygiene: Unbathed, unclean clothes, messy hair, and unpleasant body odor can point to neglect in personal care.
  • Untreated medical issues: Unexplained injuries like bruises, cuts, or broken bones, skin infections, bed sores, and untreated chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease could be due to neglectful medical care.
  • Unsafe living conditions: Faulty wiring, lack of heat or running water, tripping hazards, cluttered or unclean environment, and inadequate lighting can pose risks to the elder's safety.

Behavioral and emotional signs

  • Changes in mood and behavior: Depression, anxiety, withdrawal from social activities, fearfulness, and unusual agitation can be symptoms of neglect or even abuse.
  • Isolation from family and friends: If the elder seems isolated and cut off from their usual social connections, it might be a sign of restricted freedom or neglectful care.
  • Difficulty communicating needs: If the elder hesitates to speak freely or seems afraid to raise concerns, it could point to intimidation or neglectful caregiving.

Remember, consider the elder's usual habits and abilities before jumping to conclusions. Changes in health or living conditions can sometimes explain certain signs. Encourage open communication and listen to their concerns without judgment. They may be hesitant to speak up due to fear or shame.

If you suspect neglect, involve other family members, contact adult protective services, or speak to the elder's healthcare provider. Don't hesitate to report suspected abuse to authorities. Our elder abuse attorneys can help with this.


Why does elder neglect happen in Metairie?

Elder neglect can happen in any community, including Metairie, for a variety of reasons. Some possible factors contributing to elder neglect include:

  • Caregiver stress: Caregivers, whether family members or professionals, may experience stress and burnout, leading to neglectful behavior towards the elderly.
  • Lack of resources: Limited access to resources such as healthcare, social services, and support groups can make it challenging for caregivers to adequately care for the elderly.
  • Isolation: Elderly individuals who are isolated from their communities may not receive the support and care they need. In areas where social connections are weak, elders may be more vulnerable to neglect.
  • Financial strain: Financial constraints can hinder access to proper healthcare, medication, and other necessities for the elderly.
  • Lack of awareness or education: Sometimes, caregivers may not be aware of the signs of elder neglect or may not understand how to provide the appropriate care.
  • Substance abuse: Substance abuse issues within families or communities can contribute to neglectful behavior towards the elderly.
  • Mental health issues: Caregivers experiencing mental health issues themselves may struggle to provide adequate care for the elderly.

What’s most important to remember is that elder neglect is not the fault of the victim. If you or a loved one are experiencing harm from elder neglect, call our Metairie attorneys today.

Who is liable for my Metairie elder neglect claim?

Determining liability in cases of elder neglect in Metairie can be complex and depends on the specific circumstances surrounding the neglect. Liability might fall on various parties, including:

  • Caregivers: Individuals who have direct responsibility for the care of the elderly person, whether they are family members, hired caregivers, or staff at assisted living facilities or nursing homes, can be held liable for neglect if they fail to provide adequate care.
  • Healthcare facilities: Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and other healthcare institutions can be held liable for elder neglect if their staff members neglect the needs of elderly residents.
  • Government agencies: In some cases, government agencies responsible for overseeing elder care facilities or providing social services may be held liable if they fail to fulfill their obligations to protect elderly individuals.
  • Third parties: If a third party contributes to the neglect, such as a medical professional who fails to provide necessary care or a contractor responsible for maintaining a safe environment, they may also be held liable.
  • Manufacturers: In cases where neglect is due to faulty equipment or products, the manufacturer or distributor of those items might be held liable under product liability laws.

To pursue a claim for elder neglect in Metairie, it's essential to consult with a qualified attorney. Our elder neglect lawyers can assess the specifics of your situation, determine potential liability, and guide you through the legal process of seeking compensation and justice for the neglect suffered by your loved one.

Do you have a Metairie elder neglect attorney near me?

Garcia & Artigliere has offices at 400 Poydras Street, Suite 2045, New Orleans, LA 70130. We can also arrange video calls or off-site visits if you are unable to travel due to your condition.

Metairie elder neglect attorneys protecting your loved one from harm

Elder neglect is unacceptable, and those responsible must be held accountable. By taking action today, you can help prevent further harm to your loved one and others in similar situations. The compassionate and skilled Metairie elder neglect lawyers at Garcia & Artigliere are ready to be your advocates, and we want to hold the right people responsible for the harm they’ve caused your loved one. Call our offices today or contact us today to set up a free consultation.