Elder Abuse


Bakersfield Elder Abuse Lawyers

Our Bakersfield elder abuse attorneys have more than 150 combined years of experience fighting for seniors

Any mistreatment of elderly individuals is unacceptable. Any evidence of abuse directed towards parents, grandparents, or any family member aged 60 or above warrants an immediate investigation to stop the mistreatment, and a qualified elder care physician should assess your loved one. Whether the abuse occurs in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, adult daycare centers, or within the senior's own home, our Bakersfield elder abuse lawyers possess the expertise and proven track record to advocate for your loved one. At Garcia & Artigliere, we have successfully secured over $3 billion in recoveries. Consult with our experienced elder abuse attorneys today.


What is elder abuse?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Bakersfield elder abuse attorneys initiate personal injury claims for seniors who experience caregiver abuse. A senior is defined as an individual aged 60 or above, and caregivers encompass nursing homes, long-term care facilities, at-home healthcare agencies, and adult daycare centers.

The US National Institute on Aging puts abuse in the following categories:

  • Physical abuse. Actions like hitting, punching, slapping, burning, pushing, or any physical contact causing pain. This also includes denying seniors medications, nutrition, or basic needs, as well as the unauthorized use of physical or chemical restraints.
  • Sexual abuse. Non-consensual sexual acts or contact, forced viewing of sexual acts, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and promises of favorable treatment in exchange for sexual favors. Perpetrators may include administrators, staff members, visitors, and other residents, with elderly individuals facing such abuse often having physical or cognitive impairments.
  • Neglect. Any form of neglect by caretakers in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or agencies providing in-home health care. Caretakers are required to inspect residences for fall risks, be aware of potential dangers, and take preventive measures. Neglect commonly leads to harm including bedsores, medication errors, malnutrition, and dehydration. Our Bakersfield attorneys possess the expertise and resources to prove the occurrences of neglect, the reasons it happened, its preventability, and the resulting harm to your loved one.

When should I suspect that a senior I love is being abused in Bakersfield?

Our Bakersfield elder abuse lawyers strongly suggest that family members, friends, and caretakers routinely watch for the following signs of abuse:

Physical abuse

  • Assistive devices that aren’t being used or are in disrepair
  • Bed sores
  • Bladder and bowel injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Cuts, bruises and lacerations
  • Disheveled, unmatched, or ill-fitting clothing
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Excessive or unexplained falls
  • Indications a senior isn’t taking their medications
  • Lack of good hygiene and grooming
  • Malnutrition and dehydration
  • Medication errors
  • Nursing home neglect
  • Resident-on-resident abuse
  • Physical pain
  • Signs of physical or chemical restraints
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Wrongful death

Emotional abuse

  • Lack of communication with relatives and friends
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Confusion
  • Rocking back and forth
  • Irritability, anxiousness, and depression
  • Disengagement
  • Feeling unhappy or helpless
  • Signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Wandering and elopement

Sexual abuse

  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Ripped or bloody undergarments
  • Inappropriate communication about sex, complaints about genitalia, fear of another resident, caretaker, or staff member

Failing to respect a senior’s rights on the part of caregivers can also be a sign that an elderly person is being abused.

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

How can I help a loved one assert their rights if elder abuse is occurring in Bakersfield?

Elderly individuals who face mistreatment from a Bakersfield caregiver put their safety in the hands of family members, friends, and other caretakers. Given that many seniors already grapple with physical challenges, including conditions like dementia or Alzheimer's, it is crucial that concerned individuals take the following actions:

  • Regularly visit your loved one and engage them in conversation, varying the day and time of visits to assess how they are being treated by different caretakers.
  • Inspect long-term care facilities, adult daycare centers, or your loved one's residence for potential hazards such as broken tiles, torn carpets, accent rugs, steep stairs, or loose railings.
  • Ensure that your loved one receives and takes their medications as prescribed.
  • Observe your loved one's interactions with other residents and staff members.

If there is a suspicion of abuse, individuals are encouraged to contact the Kern County Long Term Care Ombudsman Program in Bakersfield. The Kern County ombudsman investigates complaints of abuse at long-term care facilities. Additionally, you should promptly reach out to our experienced Bakersfield elder abuse lawyers. At Garcia & Artigliere, we are prepared to safeguard your loved one immediately.

How do your lawyers fight for abused seniors in Bakersfield?

At Garcia & Artigliere, our seasoned Bakersfield elder abuse attorneys have been advocating for the elderly for over three decades. With a track record of over $3 billion in recoveries, averaging about $100 million annually, we achieve significant results through a deep understanding of both federal and California laws governing nursing homes. Our team collaborates with professionals who are well-versed in caretaker best practices requirements and also teams up with local ombudsmen, adult protective services, and law enforcement officials investigating abuse.

Our elder abuse lawyers work in conjunction with gerontologists, other elder care physicians, and various therapists to vividly illustrate the profound impact of your loved one's injuries. We vigorously pursue full compensation for seniors' medical expenses and the daily trauma they endure. In cases where Bakersfield elder abuse results in the tragic loss of a loved one, we also file wrongful death claims.

Our record of settlements and verdicts includes a notable $46 million judgment against multiple defendants for False Claims Act violations. Additionally, we played a pivotal role as counsel in the largest settlement under the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act in California's history, amounting to over $38.6 million.

Do you have a Bakersfield elder abuse lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere advocates for elder abuse victims throughout California. In 2022 alone, our legal team won settlements and verdicts totaling $50 million for past clients, and we are prepared to assist you with your case today.

Call the Bakersfield elder abuse lawyers at Garcia & Artigliere today

At Garcia & Artigliere, we hold individuals and entities accountable for failing in their obligation to care for the elderly, causing harm to parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and other seniors.

To schedule a free, confidential consultation with one of our experienced Bakersfield elder abuse lawyers, call or contact our offices. We have offices in Long Beach and Los Angeles and serve clients throughout California.

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